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Stains aren’t always avoidable, especially on children’s clothing. Knowing how to treat the most common ones will make your life a lot easier. Sometimes just throwing the clothes in the washer won’t take care of those obnoxious stains. Take a look at these five most common stains and how to remove them.

How to Remove Blood Stains

Blood is one of the hardest stains to remove, especially if it is left untreated for a long time. When possible, try to remove blood stains before the blood has dried.

To remove a blood stain, start by soaking it in cold water. Next, rub the stain vigorously with a bar of soap or laundry detergent and then rinse. If the blood stain is still present, you can try dabbing it with a bit of diluted ammonia. However, only do this as a last resort because ammonia can do permanent damage to some types of fabric.

How to Remove Dirt Stains

Dirt stains aren’t as scary as blood stains, but they can be tricky to remove from thick fabric, such as denim. Start by soaking the dirt stain in cool water. Then, rub the stain with liquid hand soap and a bit of vinegar to loosen the dirt. The stain should easily lift out. Then, complete the stain removal by running it through a cycle in your washer and dryer. For pesky dirt stains, just soak them in a pre-treatment detergent overnight, such as Spray ‘n Wash/Resolve.

How to Remove Ink Stains

To remove ink stains, mix lemon juice and laundry detergent together and then apply it to the stain. Leave the mixture on for a couple of hours and then rinse out with cold water. You can also try blotting the ink stain with milk or rubbing alcohol as a pre-treatment before putting it through a cycle in your washer and dryer. Amodex also makes an ink remover treatment.

How to Remove Sweat Stains

Sweat stains can ruin clothing. They leave a yellowish stain in armpits and around collars. To remove the stain, soak it in vinegar while you mix together hydrogen peroxide, salt, and baking soda to form a paste. Then, work the paste into the stain with a brush. Let it sit for an hour and then rinse it out. You can also try Sweat X Sport Extreme stain remover.

How to Remove Grass Stains

Grass stains are easiest to remove when treated quickly. Blot the stain with some laundry detergent and then use a brush to work the stain out of the fabric. Finish by running it through a cycle in your washer and dryer.

All stains are easier to remove when you treat them immediately. When you wait, the stain has time to settle in. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t try to remove it later.

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