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Have you ever wanted to join a block of the month club but been sad to learn you missed the starting date? It’s a common problem considering most quilt block of the month programs start in January or June… However, that’s not the case for all of them! I’ve compiled a list of block of the month clubs you can start at any time of the year.

Fat Quarter Shop

If you like to quilt, you’ve probably already heard about Fat Quarter Shop. This online fabric store is one of the top places to buy pre-cut quilting fabric. What you might not know is that Fat Quarter Shop also offers more than 50 block of the month quilt kits and programs. Browse through their massive list of BOM clubs and see if there’s something that interests you.

Connecting Threads

When you purchase a block of the month program from Connecting Threads, they supply the pattern and instructions, and you supply the fabric. This is a great way to practice your fabric matching skills and truly make a quilt your own. It’s not a traditional block of the month program because the fabric is not included, but it still might work for you.


Similar to Connecting Threads, if you prefer to choose your own fabric for your quilts, you can still follow along each month with one of the block of the month classes offered on Craftsy. You can get the quilt block patterns and then watch the videos to help you complete them. Craftsy is great for beginner quilters because of the video instructions.

Stitchin’ Heaven

If you’re looking for premium quality fabric and patterns, Stitchin’ Heaven will not disappoint. They offer several quilt block of the month programs that start throughout the year. They vary in skill level, but most are for advanced quilters. Stitchin’ Heaven is on the pricier side.

Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Missouri Star Quilt Co. offers about a dozen block of the month programs you can start anytime. However, I would not recommend this company to beginners. Their quilt blocks are complicated and require a lot of time to complete. That being said, they have some designs that are sure to impress when you’re done.

Fabric Essentials

This block of the month company is a little different in that they customize the program for you. For example, you tell them how many blocks you want sent each month. You can even choose to have the kit for the entire quilt sent. You choose the quilt you want to make and everything is precut for you — all you have to do is follow the instructions to sew it together.


EverythingQuilts.com sells precut quilt kits and sends you all the blocks for the year at once. This means you can work at your own pace, whether that is quilting one block per month or all 12 at once. They have a few different quilt patterns to choose from, too.

The Quilt Spot

This website has a massive list of quilt block of the month programs to choose from. Most only supply the patterns. This website is a little difficult to sort through, but they might have what you want if you’re looking for a specific type of quilt design.

Quilt block of the month clubs are fun. You get to sew one block each month and then sew them all together at the end of the year. I hope you found something on this list to start right away! If not, I hope you’ll also check out my list of quilting subscription boxes to grow your fabric stash.

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