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Sewing is so much fun, but sometimes I lose the motivation to sit down and work on projects… I’ve even gone months without sewing anything.

Does this happen to you?

A sewing break isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I hope you can get your sew-jo back soon. Sewing is good for you!

If you need a little motivation to start sewing again, here are some things you can do to spark your creativity.

Force Yourself to Sew Something (Anything)

Sometimes your sew-jo will come back if you just force yourself to get started on a sewing project. Pick something super simple, like a tote bag, and sew that. While you’re sewing, ideas might form in your head for your next sewing project!

Shop Around for Inspiration

If you have no sew-jo because you can’t think of a good project to work on, browse the internet for inspiration. I love Pinterest for this very reason!

You can also just shop around for different patterns and fabric. I’ve created a Massive List of Indie Pattern Companies that you can explore for inspiration.

Tidy Up Your Sewing Space

Getting your sewing space clean and organized can have a huge impact on your sew-jo.

I know it helps me…

I have mild OCD, and I have a hard time starting a project when my sewing tools are out of order and everything in my sewing space is a mess. It makes me feel down and unmotivated.

Plan Out Your Sewing Projects

Sometimes I get so many sewing projects going that it’s overwhelming, and I end up not wanting to work on anything. If this happens to you, try planning out your sewing projects. Otherwise, you might get burned out and lose your sew-jo for even longer. Get a sewing planner!

Try not to set deadlines on yourself, though. Sewing takes time and rushing the process leads to mistakes and frustration. It’s better to sew in tiny chunks of time… For example, cut out your pattern pieces in one setting, sew half of your sewing project at a time, and clean up your sewing space later.

Get a Sewing Subscription Box

Another way to get your sew-jo back is to sign up for a sewing subscription box. They take the guesswork out of choosing a pattern and fabric. Plus, they send you all the notions and tools you need to complete a sewing project.

Doesn’t that sound fun?!?!

My favorite sewing subscription box is IndieStitch. I’ve been really impressed by the patterns and fabric choices. Plus, you get a lot of extra sewing goodies and surprises with this box. If you’re interested in trying it, you can get 10% off your subscription with the code: Society10.

Do you have any other suggestions to help people who have lost their sew-jo? Tell us in the comments below.

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