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I love making memory bears. They are so sweet and cute!

I have an in-the-hoop bear pattern for my embroidery machine that I like a lot — the Charlotte from Planet Appliqué. Out of 5 stars, I’d give it 6… Seriously!

About a year ago, I made a teddy bear for my son. For a while, it was his favorite stuffed animal. He took it everywhere. Now I’ve made four more bears out of the same pattern.

Here are some recent makes:

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A friend at church recently asked if I would make a couple of memory bears for her out of some hospital baby blankets. She had a family friend who was adopting a baby and wanted to give the birth mom a little present. She wanted two bears — one to give to the birth mom and one for the baby to keep. I couldn’t say no to that! It was such a thoughtful idea. I made the two white bears with blue and pink stripes above for her. They were both holding little pillows with the baby’s name and birth stats (not pictured for privacy reasons).

The pink bear above was also for a friend at church. She wanted a special gift for a granddaughter who was turning one. She was invited to a birthday party with an “Alice in Onederland’ theme, so I made a little dress for the bear with Alice in Wonderland Fabric. That one is probably my favorite!

I also made the orange bear above for my older son because he was getting jealous of all these bears I was making for other people and wanted one, too. 😂

Memory Bear Pattern Review

I used the Charlotte Teddy Bear Pattern from Planet Appliqué.

You can get it from Etsy HERE.

You need an embroidery machine to make the bear. It is an in-the-hoop design. That means it stitches out entirely on your embroidery machine. When you’re done, you simply attach the arms, legs, and head to the body with doll joints, stuff the bear, and stitch the openings closed by hand.

The Charlotte Bear comes in 3 sizes. I made the 17” bear with my 6”x10” hoop. It stitched out flawlessly. There is an option to add padded feet, but I just made the standard ones. The whole project only takes 2-3 hours from start to finish.

The instructions are easy to follow. The hardest part is getting the nose to line up perfectly. I used a water-soluble stabilizer on the two minky bears I made and that helped a lot.

Don’t you think the bears are cute? I highly recommend the pattern. I’m sure I’ll be making more. I bought doll joints in bulk for cheap on Amazon so I have plenty!

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